This time we have a cool wallpaper with some dots and lines that create a unique look for your desktop.
DJ Style Guide: Zedd @ Coachella 2014
Photo by Rukes
Zedd is known mostly for his hit tracks but, he is also known as ‘that one DJ that always wears flannels’ Here is with Martin Garrix at Coachella wearing a flannel, jeans and sneaks.

Levi’s Premium Goods Collection 501® Original Fit Jeans – $188 USD: (I am sure you can find cheaper Levi jeans)
Hurley Short Sleeve Oxford Flannel – $60 USD: (Couldn’t find the right long sleeve version)
Funny Stuff #2
Funny Stuff #1: David Ortiz, EDM Memes & More
So we occasionally post funny videos and stuff which do really well so we’ve decided to post a gallery or compilation of these “funnies” every once in a while. Hope you guys like it.
David Ortiz Selfie with Obama skit:
Hugleikur Dagsson Comic:
Postal Service came in clutch:
Tiesto plus Nicky Romero:
CoriMag Wallpaper #11: Electric Tunnel [1680×1050]
Dillon Francis with His Dad & Other Family Moments [Gallery]
Dillon, Zedd and Uncle Diplo
Dillon arguing with his Dad
Papa Tiesto disaproves of Dillon’s Meal
Father and Son Photo
Uncle Diplo showing some love
D’awww (Peep Zedd’s Brotherly Jealousy)
NOTE: These aren’t really his family, just his music family. This is just a play on Dillon’s “My Dad Hates Me” and “Are you my dad?” jokes.
Corillo Magazine’s Valentine’s Day Ideas: Gifts, Music & More
As you guys know, in just a few days Valentine’s Day will be upon us. Whether you’re single, taken or married — the struggle on this day is real. To make it easier on you, we bring you a couple ideas for that specially excessively commercialized holiday.
To begin, let’s set up the mood. Nothing sets up the mood better than good music. Being a primarily a music magazine, we have a couple great tracks to do so.
Avicii – Addicted to You (Music Video Comes out on the 14th):
Beyoncé – Drunk in Love:
Zedd – Stay The Night ft. Hayley Williams:
Lune – Close Dance (Album out March 10th in the USA):
Now for gifts. Let’s assume you did the typical roses and chocolates stuff — what now? We took to Pinterest to find out. Keeping in mind Valentine’s Day is on a Friday this year, these gifts and date ideas will be structured for evening and late night use.
For that raver in your life, a I
For Her:
$172 – Michael Kors
Universal Gifts (“Gifts for us”):
$25 or DIY
$690 (3-Day General Admission for Two) – Tickets to EDC Las Vegas 2014
Gifts For Him:
Something that Dillon Francis would wear
Anything above.
Date Ideas! If you don’t have the money for one of those fancy dinners at a restaurant that’s over-rated or just don’t feel like taking your date to a McDonald’s for dinner, here are some at home dinners you can cook for that special someone in your life.
Pasta with Tomato Creme Sauce – Recipe
Chicken & Asparagus Stir-fry – Recipe
Strawberry-Nutella Puff Pastry – Recipe
If you’re going to have a special night as well, use protection. Purchase some here.
For those are single, you can always have dinner with a good friend.
CoriMag Wallpaper: Daddy Yankee [Desktop & Mobile]
CoriMag Wallpaper: Bassnectar [1920×1200]
Another double exposure wallpaper, this time its Bassnectar. Hope you guys enjoy it.
Remember to share this link with your friends if you do like it.
CoriMag Wallpaper: “Without Music Life Is A Mistake” [1920×1200]
Our wallpapers are designed by us, hope you like them! If you do, please share them with friends.
CoriMag Wallpaper: Zedd [1920×1200]
Here’s our Desktop Wallpaper, a Mobile version will be uploaded soon.
CoriMag Wallpaper of the Week #5: “Life Goes On”
Washington, D.C. – This week we bring you a bit of a typography and quote oriented wallpaper with the U.S. capital, Washington DC, as it’s backdrop. We’ve included a mobile version of the wallpaper as well, which is compatible with the iPhone 5 screen size. If you like it, please let us know by commenting below and sharing it with your friends.

Leaked: Actual Images of Blackberry 10 L-Series Phone In Detail [Gallery]

Washington, D.C. – Looking at the images, the phone has a removable battery behind a textured back panel, with a power button located dead center on the phone’s top edge, next to the 3.5-millimeter headphone jack. On the left side, the phone has both Micro USB and HDMI ports, with the device’s microphone located just under the BlackBerry logo, where the glass meets the phone’s anodized metal chin. The phone also has a rear and front camera, whose megapixels are not given. You can view more photos of the Blackberry 10 L-Series below.
CoriMag Wallpaper of the Week #1: Farruko
Washington DC – This week we kick off our new “thing” here at Corillo Magazine. Every week we will be posting up a new wallpaper for you guys. This week its Farruko. Next week it could be another artist or just anything that looks nice. Hope you guys enjoy it, if you have any requests please leave them in the comment section below.