This time we have a cool wallpaper with some dots and lines that create a unique look for your desktop.
Tag Archives: wallpaper
CoriMag Wallpaper #12: Ink in Water [1920×1080]
Pretty cool ink drop wallpaper. Enjoy.
Download the full resolution version here (Right Click To Save)
CoriMag Wallpaper #11: Electric Tunnel [1680×1050]
CoriMag Wallpaper: Daddy Yankee [Desktop & Mobile]
CoriMag Wallpaper: Bassnectar [1920×1200]
Another double exposure wallpaper, this time its Bassnectar. Hope you guys enjoy it.
Remember to share this link with your friends if you do like it.
CoriMag Wallpaper: deadmau5 [1920×1200]
Quick deadmau5 wallpaper we made for you guys. Hope you enjoy it, if you do please share it with friends.
If you have any wallpaper ideas, please let us know.
CoriMag Wallpaper: “Without Music Life Is A Mistake” [1920×1200]
Our wallpapers are designed by us, hope you like them! If you do, please share them with friends.
CoriMag Wallpaper: Zedd [1920×1200]
Here’s our Desktop Wallpaper, a Mobile version will be uploaded soon.
CoriMag Wallpaper of the Week #5: “Life Goes On”
Washington, D.C. – This week we bring you a bit of a typography and quote oriented wallpaper with the U.S. capital, Washington DC, as it’s backdrop. We’ve included a mobile version of the wallpaper as well, which is compatible with the iPhone 5 screen size. If you like it, please let us know by commenting below and sharing it with your friends.

CoriMag Wallpaper of the Week #4: Wisin & Yandel
Washington, D.C. – This week we went with a Wisin & Yandel themed wallpaper because of the unexpected remix they released with Daddy Yankee of “Hipnotizame“. We played with the new Wisin & Yandel/WY Records logo and added an urban backdrop to create the wallpaper.
You can download their new remix featuring Daddy Yankee, here. If you like the wallpaper, please share it with your friends using this page’s URL.
16:9 Screen Resolution:

4:3 Screen Resolution:

CoriMag Wallpaper of the Week #3: New Zealand Symmetry
Washington D.C. – This week we bring you a minimalist wallpaper with a New Zealand Maori Bay backdrop. Simple, cool yet interesting. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on next week’s wallpaper of the week, please feel free to leave a comment (Yes, we read actually read them).

CoriMag Wallpaper of the Week #2: “Music Is Life” (Moscow, Russia)
Washington DC – This week we went with a typographic wallpaper, “Music Is Life”. Music is one of those amazing few unifying mediums worldwide — like food. It brings us together and well, what would life be without it? Lifeless.
The city in the background is the grand city of Moscow in Russia. You can download the wallpaper below in either 16:9 screen size or 4:3 and now in a mobile version as well. Let us know if you have an special requests for next week!

CoriMag Wallpaper of the Week #1: Farruko
Washington DC – This week we kick off our new “thing” here at Corillo Magazine. Every week we will be posting up a new wallpaper for you guys. This week its Farruko. Next week it could be another artist or just anything that looks nice. Hope you guys enjoy it, if you have any requests please leave them in the comment section below.