Washington, D.C. – A big budget Godzilla movie hasn’t been made since 1998, back when I was just a toddler. Now Legendary and Warner Brothers have teamed up to create a new version of the Japanese classic, as cliche as it may sound, IN 3D! Pictured above is a snippet from the Comi-Con 2012 teaser showing the “new” Godzilla.
Screenshot of Unreleased TrailerUnlike the New York based predecessor movie, the new Godzilla may be based on the west coast of the United States with pictures of the set leaked creating a
San Francisco like scene in Stevenson, British Colombia where the movie is being filmed (Source:
Richmond Review). According to a Comi-Con 2012 teaser of the movie, Godzilla will face a new enemy — a giant insect believed to be a centipede (still no confirmation from the production team). The new Godzilla movie will be released on May 16th, 2014.
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