Swanky Tunes set us up for a really good drop with their intro and build up. I personally believed it was going to be something utterly amazing and mind blowing because it was so good but, when it finally dropped I wasn’t so blown away. It isn’t horrible but, it’s not amazing either. Leaves me in between a “Eh” and Echostage guy “wtf”.
I wouldn’t say it isn’t unoriginal but, it is a bit weak on the whole “creativity’ side of things. It’s missing something.
Sound Quality:
The song doesn’t sound bad but, like I said before, it’s missing something. You get so excited for what’s to come and then you’re kind of disappointed. The sound of the intro and the build-up periods are great! The only issue I have is with the ‘drop’ part, it’s a buzz kill.
Worth The Buy/Download: (Purchase Here – Beatport)
Depends, if you’re a Swanky Tunes fan sure — do your thing. I personally wasn’t in love with this track, as in it’s not a track I would put on repeat or listen to everyday. I’ve heard better tracks from Swanky Tunes and sadly this isn’t another track I would add to my library.
2.5/5 Stars